Thursday 21 May 2009

Rain Rain Go Away, Come Back Another Day!

Why's it always rain on me?

When life gets bad, and i mean really bad, the-one-i-love-dumps-me-coz-he's-moving-away bad, why does the rain pour even harder?

Is it not bad enough already?

I thought, a couple of years ago, that when my friends ditched me, noting would make it better, then, just as i was getting back on my feet, the greatest guy i've ever met just randomly pops into my life. He makes me feel blessed, i can face the world head on with him by my side and i trully felt alive again. For the first time in quite a few years i could love and trust again.

I love him and he loves me. But thats when it comes crashing down.

The second i am trully happy, something has to take it away. The moment i want something it becomes out of reach.

Its not for lack of trying. I try so hard, i am so determind, Edward (my boyfriend) called me stubborn. I was adoment it was determination, but now i think theres a fine line between the two. Which ever i am, i do not give up easily.

But he moved away, i knew he was going but it happened so fast, contracts were signed and he was gone, he promised me it would be ok, and we would be back together before i even missed him, (it was onlly to be for a year) but now he's so busy, his schedual is so full there is no time for me.

I've lost him and it kills me.

Then the rains began to pour once again. And its much much worse than before.

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