Thursday 21 May 2009

Angels vs Demons

The strangest thing happened to me a couple of months ago (along time after to be writing about it i know but i really wanted to share my experiance) an angel spoke to me! I feel so blessed.

He only said 3 words "it'll be ok" but it meant everything to me and turned my life around. I said he because it was a male voice, i dont know why it happened though. All i know is that i was crying my heart our, devastated because my boyfriend had just broke up with me and staring out of the window thinking "how could he do that to me?"

Then the voice spoke, it was cool, calming and very male. I read in one of the books i bought on angels (I cant remember if it was before or after it happened) that God's voice is loud, to the point, friendly and casual with good humour. The archangels are loud, to the point, formal and direct. Angel are kind of Shakespearean.

At that i kinda got confused, prehaps it was God who was talking to me. But now i feel unworthy. Whom ever it was, they cleared my demons away and i have a lot to be thankful for.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, found your blog through many of the same likes...I like to click on the blogs of people who like the same things in my profile. Anyway...there is a verse in the Bible...and it says, that God also speaks in a still, small voice. I really think though that you are on the right track...and yes, you are worthy!!!
