Thursday 21 May 2009

What are you Twittering on about?

All i ever hear lately is so and so said this on Twitter, or someone posted something on Twitter. Whats it all about? Just another social network site?

I have accounts on facebook and myspace, even IMVU but is Twitter where everyone is at?

I dont even use myspace or IMVU anymore, and i only used Facebook to keep up with my cousin in Australia. So why should i join another useless site that takes up time i should be spending doing something useful and worthwhile.

I know i shold be outside in the lovely rainy weather, maybe i should do some volunteer work, help somebody who needs it. But all my time seems to be spent checking up on people i've never met or playing the stupid applications. Dont have friends online, get some real social skills, get out there and meet real people.

So no, i will not be signing up for Twitter.

Rain Rain Go Away, Come Back Another Day!

Why's it always rain on me?

When life gets bad, and i mean really bad, the-one-i-love-dumps-me-coz-he's-moving-away bad, why does the rain pour even harder?

Is it not bad enough already?

I thought, a couple of years ago, that when my friends ditched me, noting would make it better, then, just as i was getting back on my feet, the greatest guy i've ever met just randomly pops into my life. He makes me feel blessed, i can face the world head on with him by my side and i trully felt alive again. For the first time in quite a few years i could love and trust again.

I love him and he loves me. But thats when it comes crashing down.

The second i am trully happy, something has to take it away. The moment i want something it becomes out of reach.

Its not for lack of trying. I try so hard, i am so determind, Edward (my boyfriend) called me stubborn. I was adoment it was determination, but now i think theres a fine line between the two. Which ever i am, i do not give up easily.

But he moved away, i knew he was going but it happened so fast, contracts were signed and he was gone, he promised me it would be ok, and we would be back together before i even missed him, (it was onlly to be for a year) but now he's so busy, his schedual is so full there is no time for me.

I've lost him and it kills me.

Then the rains began to pour once again. And its much much worse than before.

To everyone with healthy body parts

Today i joined the organ donor transplant list and now i urge everyone with healthy body parts to do the same. You dont need hearts, lungs, kidneys, livers etc after your dead and gone, as long as your soul is in tact then your gonna go to the afterlife, whichever you believe in. So why not give someone another chance at life? its not like you have to give it away now, no pain, no aggravation, it only takes 10 mins to sign up. And knowing that you can give someone an improved life, or give them more time here on Earth, its gotta feel good right? One day you might need a transplant, wouldnt you want someone to do the same for you? i know i would.

Angels vs Demons

The strangest thing happened to me a couple of months ago (along time after to be writing about it i know but i really wanted to share my experiance) an angel spoke to me! I feel so blessed.

He only said 3 words "it'll be ok" but it meant everything to me and turned my life around. I said he because it was a male voice, i dont know why it happened though. All i know is that i was crying my heart our, devastated because my boyfriend had just broke up with me and staring out of the window thinking "how could he do that to me?"

Then the voice spoke, it was cool, calming and very male. I read in one of the books i bought on angels (I cant remember if it was before or after it happened) that God's voice is loud, to the point, friendly and casual with good humour. The archangels are loud, to the point, formal and direct. Angel are kind of Shakespearean.

At that i kinda got confused, prehaps it was God who was talking to me. But now i feel unworthy. Whom ever it was, they cleared my demons away and i have a lot to be thankful for.

Bucket List

I made a Bucket list.

At first it was just something to do, but now i want to do everything i can to complete. The list is below. Why not challenge yourself and compose one too?

some of the things ive already done, like, believe it or not, gone in a submarine, write a story (it was only short, about 1000 words but i did it and got an A in English class), ice skate, Rhinos are champions and find the man i love.

• Learn a language
• Run 5k for charity
• Go snowboarding
• Go snorkelling
• Go horse riding on the beach
• Water ski
• Learn karate
• Learn to meditate
• Learn the violin
• Belly dance
• Go in a hot air balloon
• Skydive
• Ride a mechanical bull
• Climb a 5000ft+ mountain
• Fire walk
• Hula
• go white water rafting
• Drive a race car
• Drive a Ferrari
• Go to Silverstone
• Go to Monaco race track
• Go in a submarine
• Go rock climbing
• Go hunting
• Go zorbing
• Grand canyon
• Victoria falls
• Great barrier reef
• Northern lights
• Galapagos
• See Fjords
• Amazon
• Rio de Janeiro carnival
• Mardi Gras
• Oktober fest
• St peters basilica
• Acropolis
• Alhambra, Spain
• Prague
• Moscow
• St Petersburg
• Statues of Easter island
• Hagia Sophia, Turkey
• Tokyo
• Egypt
• Stonehenge
• Machu Picchu
• Nazca lines
• China
• Thailand
• Taj Mahal
• Athens
• Las Vegas
• Madagascar
• New York
• Kenya
• Morocco
• Cambodia
• Panama
• Cancun
• Bahamas
• Maldives
• Kuala Lumpur
• Paris
• Istanbul
• Petra, Jordan
• Chechen Itza
• Mount Rushmore
• Hawaii
• Go on a cruise
• Glastonbury
• Get a tattoo
• Explore myself
• Push myself to the limit
• Find myself
• Sleep under the stars
• Write story
• Win a competition
• Learn to drive
• Meet someone famous
• Change someone’s life
• Help someone else
• Smile!
• Be a strong swimmer
• Visit Lapland
• See a volcanic eruption
• Tornado chase
• Make a scrapbook
• Cook a banquet
• Spit roast a pig
• Say yes more
• Karaoke
• Yoga
• Donate blood
• Join the organ donor list
• Visit a psychic
• Get a massage
• Swim with dolphins
• Ice skate
• New Zealand
• Hear an angel
• Caving
• Drive on the autobahn
• Name a star
• Be a lady
• Shower in a waterfall
• Skinny dip in the sea
• Safari
• See the Serengeti migration
• Win a trophy
• Learn first aid
• Surf
• Walk on the great wall of china
• See a green flash sunset
• Visit Yellowstone park
• Make love in the rain
• Climb Kilimanjaro
• Find something that will take my breath away
• Niagara falls
• Mayan ruins
• Ride and elephant
• Ride a camel
• Hold my breath for 2 minutes
• Read a Dostoyevsky
• Light a match with a .22 rifle
• Forgive
• See a ghost
• Find inner peace
• Have a ranch in Texas
• Have a past life regression
• Don’t keep junk
• See the crown jewels
• Own a diamond
• 4x4 on sand dunes
• Find an oasis
• Ride a gondola
• Renovate a house
• Find something I’m good at
• Meet Richard Branson
• Burj al Arab, Dubai
• Find the man I love
• Send a message in a bottle
• Run my own business
• Join the mile high club
• 3
• Eat cookies in Amsterdam
• 22mile bike ride for charity
• Write a love letter
• See Christ the Redeemer
• Do something I would normally say no to
• Mud wrestle
• Paintballing
• See James bond car
• Spend Chinese new year in China
• Make love on money
• Hold a snake
• Drink tequila slammers
• Icelandic springs
• Bet a 7 horse accumulator
• Fiji
• Watch the Leeds Rhinos be world champions
• Visit Wembley
• Find happiness

Its good to have some aims in life.

Let me introduce myself

ok, so this is my first blog so i thought i'd introduce myself.

My name is Jamima Fox, im 20 (21 in a few weeks). I'm currently a personal shopper ( i collect items that people order from the internet) but i only work a 2 days a week, saturday and sunday, i guess thats down to the recession. It's tough because i start a 6am making it impossible to go clubbing with the girls on a saturday night.

I dont intend to be a personal shopper my whole life, far from it. Ive only been there a few months and im bored already, i need a new challenge. Theres plenty of career paths i've considered, including being a pilot, a customs officer and an interior designer but none of them seemed to happen for me. My dream job would be in flying in the RAF, thats what my goal was, but now im too old (yeah, believe it or not, 21 is getting too old).

So now i want to teach English in Asia, particularly Bangkok, it's such a vibrant, exciting city. I cant wait to catch the next plane out of England. Hopefully this will work out for me. Finally going it alone, without anyone there to hold my hand. I dont need anyone anymore, over the years i've found that everyone will let me down and leave me out in the rain, it just so happens i love rain! Time to dig deep and stand alone.
Now for my hobbies. I love to read and those of you who have read the same books as me will notice the Jesse Keane line above. I love the action/spyy/mafia kind of novels like The Godfather, which my boyfriend bought and got me hooked on. My favourite authors are Mario Puzo, Lynda La Plante, Mandesue Heller, Sidney Sheldon and Martina Cole.

Another of my many hobbies is sports, all different types, some i love to watch rather than play, like rugby, formula one and football (Leeds Rhinos, Farrari and Manchester United if you were wondering)

NEXT! I hear you cry. How about movies? everyone likes movies, theres so many i like, but Snatch is my fav, i just love Guy Ritchies style, slick and cool, not too American. Dont get me wrong, American movies are great, but Snatch just has to be British, it wouldnt be anywhere near as good if it was anything but. Its not all action thriller though, yeah, i like a good adrenaline ride, but i love to laugh too comedy romances are great, especially because my boyfriend loves them so much (Shhhh! dont tell him i told you).

I have to dash now, im sure you're getting bored of me, so until next time. Seeya!